IHI Model For Improvement


The Model for Improvement is a simple, yet powerful approach to achieving rapid and significant improvements in care delivery and outcomes. It has been used very successfully by hundreds of health care organizations in many countries to improve many different health care processes and outcomes.   This brief video series features IHI’s Executive Director of Performance Improvement, Robert Lloyd, PhD.  Dr. Lloyd’s presentation builds on a foundation of applied science, focusing on how three key questions can help drive your quality improvement work:       * What are we trying to accomplish?     * How will we know that a change is an improvement?

    * What change can we make that will result in improvement?

The model has two parts:       * Three fundamental questions, which can be addressed in any order.

    * The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle** to test and implement changes in real work settings. The PDSA cycle guides the test of a change to determine if the change is an improvement. 

