SHM Update for Hospitalists Trained in Family Medicine

You have been identified as a Hospitalist Trained in Family Medicine (HTFM). The Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) Family Medicine Committee would like to update you on the latest news that is relevant to you, including:
Who are HTFMs?
Presented at the SHM annual poster competition during Hospital Medicine 2011:

A Survey of Demographics, Employment Settings and Scope of Practice of Hospitalists Trained in Family Medicine: The hospitalists who responded to this survey are an experienced group of physicians who practice in a variety of hospital settings across the country. The majority perform primary and consultative inpatient medicine including critical care. Uniquely, a significant number also offer pediatric and outpatient services. In addition to their clinical roles, these physicians participate in committee work and have leadership positions. Finally, with a remarkable number of respondents involved in medical education, these hospitalists are playing a vital role in the training of future physicians.
McElrath et al, Journal of Hospital Medicine; Vol 6 No 4 Supplement 2 April 2011.
  • 955 members of SHM have designated themselves as HTFMs, comprising of 10 percent of SHM members. This number includes 9 Senior Fellows in Hospital Medicine (SFHM) and 54
    Fellows in Hospital Medicine (FHM). Membership of HTFM within SHM is growing at the fastest rate of all specialties.
Who represents HTFMs in SHM?
  • SHM Board: Currently Bob Harrington Jr., MD, SFHM, is an HTFM who is serving on the Board. He can be reached via email at
  • The SHM Family Medicine Committee comprises 16 members; the current chair,
    Claudia K. Geyer, MD, SFHM, can be reached at
  • Featured HTFM  Dr. Ken Simone, DO, SFHM is an example of a current HTFM SHM member
What is the Committee working on? The areas of emphasis currently being pursued by the task force include:
  • Representation of HTFMs both within and outside of SHM
  • Recognition of HTFMs, including support in the pathway for advancement
  • Resident education, including consideration of a hospital medicine track as well as promotion of hospital medicine as a career choice for family medicine residents
The following designations are open to HTFMs. Preliminary data illustrates that attaining these designations will open doors in the workforce and in addition provide clear evidence of your primary role as a hospitalist.
  • Recognition of Focused Practice in Hospital Medicine (RFPHM): If you have been a hospitalist for three years or more, you may be eligible to obtain your RFPHM. Though the ABIM and the ABFM use the same eligibility requirements, exam content and scoring process, the RFPHM does not replace your primary family medicine (FM) certification. This is similar to the requirement that primary certification be maintained while gaining and holding Certificates of Added Qualifications (CAQs). However, the hospital medicine designated MC-FP activities will fulfill requirements for both primary FM and RFPHM certifications.
SHM Meetings:
  • Registration is now open for Hospital Medicine 2014, which will be held March 24-27, 2014 in
    Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Your local chapter may be hosting an event near you. Participation is strongly encouraged.
Questions and comments are welcome. Please send them to