Fellowship in Hospital Medicine

The Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) admits to its Fellows those hospitalists whose professional activity is devoted to hospital medicine and whose personal and professional activities embody both the mission and goals of the Society and the principles and responsibilities of medical professionalism. Becoming a Fellow is an avenue for special recognition of Society members who have distinguished themselves among their colleagues, and in their communities by:

  • Professional development through the practice of hospital medicine
  • Lifelong learning and medical education
  • Dedication to quality and process improvement
  • Commitment to organizational teamwork and leadership

The advancement to Fellow is a tiered process consisting of 3 categories of membership (Fellow, Senior Fellow, and Master). Master designation is achieved through a nomination and invitation process, whereas SHM members request and voluntarily submit applications for Fellow and Senior Fellow designation. In so doing, they are inviting an evaluation of their professional activities by SHM. In evaluating the eligibility of applicants for a specific level of Fellow in Hospital Medicine, the Society investigates each applicant’s entire professional activity for the requirements to demonstrate the level of hospital medicine Core Competencies established for that specific tier of Fellows.

The Inaugural Class of Fellows of Hospital Medicine

For More Information and To Apply Click Here


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