6th Annual Canadian Hospitalist Conference


 Selected presentations from the 6th Annual Hospitalist Conference held September 2008 are available to registered members of the web site.  Click on the appropriate topic to view the slide show.


Course Programme

Quality Improvement Initiatives at the Society of Hospital Medicine - Dr. L. Wellikson

Classification of ACS and New Guidelines - Dr. G. Wong

Assesing Movement Disorders - Dr. J. Stoessl

Hot Topics in Infectious Disease - Dr. R. Reynolds

Treating CRF in the Setting of CHF - Dr. M. Copland

A Geriatricians Approach to Dementis - Dr. L. Dian

Patient Focused Hospital Funding - Dr. Brian Day

Endocrine Emergencies - Dr. E. Ur

What's New in Diabetes - Dr. M. Dahl

Non-Invasive Ventilation - Dr. J. Boyd

Neuropathic Pain Management - Dr. R. Hewko

Novel Approaches to Treating Depression in the Elderly - Dr. P. Chan

Articles That Changed My Practice - Dr. S. Wong

Palliative Care Pearls - Dr. W. Yeomans

Medical and Surgical Management of Aortic Stenosis - Dr. B. Munt

What's New in Lab Tests - Dr. G. Hoag

A Rational Approach to Syncope - Dr. B. Campana

Delerium and Dementia - Case Studies - Dr. K. Madden

Fluid Management - Dr. R. Arsenau

Wound Care - D. Pearson

Ethical and Medico-legal Aspects of DNR and Do Not Escalate Care - D. Kopetsky, F. Koning, R. Harper


2008Conferencebrochure.pdf1.21 MB